replacement small bulbs

As it turned out Sainsbury's still had the miniature tulips on sale but the snow crocus were out of stock of so I got those tulips and some narcissus minnow to replace the bulbs the squirrels ate.

I filled these glass pots with crushed shell mulch then filled them with water which I hope will provide a good medium for the roots of these narcissus minnow. I love that shell mulch but it's difficult to find for sale.

glass pots with narcissus minnow

I still don't know what this ceramic item is but it has holes in it so I'm tempted to put bulbs in it! In this case the narcissus minnow.

pot with narcissus minnow

I'm starting again with these miniature tulips so they're in the fridge. Last time I put them in the box in the fridge for 6 weeks then "planted" them but I'm in a hurry now so I've "planted" them first and put them in the fridge. I'm hoping the time in the fridge will overlap somewhat with the time in the dark.

bulbs in fridge

I noticed these iris in the cellar yesterday. It's quite early but they do look ready to come out so I've brought them up and put them on the windowsill.

Shorter geese trough with iris