It was so grey and rainy last week I thought the one thing I could do indoors was to start the amaryllis. I'm down to 4 vases after breaking 1 recently and buying another over the summer.
The roots are starting their rotting phase and the water is just starting to turn brown but as in previous years I'm sure that will be followed by fresh roots. And the stems are certainly growing strongly already. On the right is a hyacinth vase (from Marks and Spencer) which I was given as a present recently. What a nice pressie to receive! It makes a nice contrast with the amaryllis to highlight the size differences. It should be it in the cellar.
System Status
Sadly I've had to remove users' ability to login and leave any comments as I'm under attack from spammers. Most seem to be coming from DataShack in Kansas City. I've notified them and asked them to do something about their users running these bots.
While this is going on, If you would like to share anything, photos, news about your bulbs, etc, feel free to email me: julie at, thanks.