The warm weather continued so long into the autumn the forced bulbs in the cellar are growing very fast and ready so early to come upstairs. I've never known them to be so early. Usually they need to come up by December 1st and they often aren't ready then but I have quite a few that really seem to need to come up. As shown in these photos, the bulge of the flower is fully out of the bulb. That needs to be the case before bringing the bulbs (in whatever container/vase) into the warmth and light.
If only I'd had a supply of these in September.
Things to do after the vases and containers are brought into the warmth and light.
1. top up with water
This pink plastic vase needs topping up with water. The lid is quite open and allows more evaporation.
2. remove bulblets
This one must have developed in the weeks it's been in the cellar as I removed any that I noticed back in September when I put the bulbs in the vases.
3. top up containers with soil
The roots tend to push up the bulbs so the containers may need to be topped up with soil
4. push the roots down into the vase
Some of the roots here are growing outwards for some reason. I try to push them back into the vase although that will make some of them break off.
As I noted elsewhere, pink flowered bulbs tend to flower earliest. It's no coincidence that all these bulbs are Jan Bos, Pink Pearl, 1 Fondant (pink) and 1 White Pearl (white I assume so why is it so early? we'll have to wait and see). In the past Jan Bos have been the earliest bloomers.