I thought this plant stand would be good to put some of my hyacinth vases on as I don't have a window sill in this room.
As usual it was a dark day when I took this photo. Must try again when there's more sun.
I took the crocus vases out of the cellar recently. The crocus stems don't have flower bulges like hyacinths but at that height I thought they must be ready to come out.
One of these hyacinth bulbs is definitely ready to come out of the cellar but one of them is not, the others in between . I guess that's the drawback of a bulb bowl with 5 bulbs. I hope they will catch up.
"just needs water"
I'm not trying to advertise Sainsbury's but I do love seeing indoor bulbs being sold and I love the slogan "just needs water". They really are that easy!
And at 3 pounds for a hyacinth vase including a bulb (top left in the photo below), they are quite affordable.