Oct 2021 - start of the forcing season

We're a little late starting as the hyacinth growing season was a bit difficult and the hyacinths were late to be harvested but my bulbs ordered from Peter Nyssen arrived this week. My polydactyl cat Scarecrow who came to keep me company when I started doing my bulbs, I always have at least 1 cat appear when I do them.

How to Force Hyacinths
1. put the bulb in the cup of the vase
2. fill the vase with water to just under the bulb, the bulb must not sit in water (see photo below)
3. place the vases somewhere cool and dark for 6 weeks and then check weekly
4. I will add photos later of how tall the stem should be for them to come out into the light and warmth

forcing hyacinths for Christmas vase

buy bulbs at the garden centre / supermarket / DIY shop / mail order from a specialist supplier, eg Peter Nyssen

forcing hyacinth bulbs for Christmas vase

1. put the bulb in the cup of the vase

forcing hyacinth bulbs for Christmas vase

forcing hyacinths for Christmas vase

forcing hyacinth bulbs for Christmas vase

forcing hyac inth bulbs for Christmas vase

forcing hyacinth bulbs Christmas vase

2. fill the vases with water to just under the bulb, the bulb must not sit in water

forcing hyacinth bulbs for Christmas vase

3. place the vases somewhere cool and dark for 6 weeks and then check weekly