more January hyacinths

an update on the January hyacinths which are looking better and better

Delft Blue hyacinths

the Sainsburys hyacinths on the other side, I needed small bulbs to fit in those Dartington vases

Sainsburys hyacinths

Delft Blue hyacinths

Apricot Passion hyacinths in Davidson bulb bowl

Apricot Passion hyacinths in Davidson bulb bowl

Ann Mary hyacinths in bulb bowl

Ann Mary hyacinths in bulb bowl

Delft Blue hyacinths in a SylvaC pot

Delft Blue hyacinths SylvaC pot

more Delft Blue hyacinths just starting to bloom

Delft Blue hyacinths

Jan Bos hyacinths

Jan Bos hyacinths

Jan Bos hyacinths

Caribbean Dream

caribbean dream hyacinth

bulb bowls with a variety of sizes of hyacinths, even though all the hyacinths in a bowl were started at the same time

hyacinth bulb bowls

Apricot Passion hyacinths