Submitted by ju1i3 on 26 December, 2012 - 11:31
Watering is one of my worst jobs. I've been procrastinating with all my pots and vases until this morning when I've managed to catch up with the task. Most hyacinth vases don't need much topping up - the bulb seems to act as a plug preventing evaporation but the smaller bulbs (crocus and tulip) don't always fit so well and are prone to needing more regular topping up. With this many pots and vases it's a bit overwhelming!

bulbs in pots and bulb bowls, above , hyacinths in bulb bowls, below

tulip and crocus bulbs in vases

first crocus in bloom in Tate and Lyle Golden Syrup and Black Treacle tins
These crocus are actually from potted crocus I bought. I would have more but I left them outside while repotting them and forgot about the squirrels. Of course they ate them all before I remembered to go and rescue them.
Submitted by ju1i3 on 21 January, 2012 - 07:15
These are my best crocus ever with multiple flowering stems. These are my second flush of crocus blooms and for a while I was wondering if they would grow at all as some didn't even have roots a few weeks ago but they have certainly caught up now.

These crocus have not performed so well. Of this variety I only have 1 bloom which I almost missed. It's already wilting and I didn't even manage to get 1 photo of it at its best. The other bulbs are rotting underneath.

When I noticed the bulges in the stems I knew that these would flower soon. It wasn't long before the first red appeared.